Couples Counselling and Psychotherapy in English
There may come a time when your relationship is in crisis and you as a couple are in more and more pain and despair. Where there was love now is a feeling of loneliness and distance or anger. The solutions you tried don't seem to work or help just for a short period of time. Then it may be time to seek professional help - counselling or therapy.
The goals of professional help for couples is to understand what are the causes and mechanism that are putting your relationship in trouble. Therapy helps to improve your communication and awareness of behavioural traps that you both may fall into. With better communication comes better support for each other and satisfaction of solving problems together. Deeper understanding of your relationship and your partner may strengthen the bond between you.
Therapy is recommended for couples that encounter:
- breakdown of communication between partners,
- the feeling of being misunderstood or that their important needs are not fulfilled in the relationship,
- distance and loneliness, weakening of the emotional bond,
- betrayal of trust or adultery,
- crisis concerning a drastic change in life (for ex. birth of a child, loss of a job, moving to different country). -
Help for LGBT+ Couples
We are also LGBT+ friendly and help couples without prejudice and negative labeling. We believe we are all human and deserving of respect and right treatment.
LGBT specialist - Urszula Szaniawska
First Consultation 50 minutes 280zł
Couples Counselling or Therapy 50 minutes 280zł
Payment in an office ONLY in cash or before a visit on bank account (12 1050 1025 1000 0092 5279 1364 ING Bank Śląski S.A.).
Please inform us via e-mail (Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.) or text message (mobile phone: 668-543-768) about cancellation of your visit. If you inform us later than 15:00 the day before the visit, it results in obligation to pay 100% of the fee.
Ul. Zamiany 5/75
Near the Stokłosy metro station (take right exit at the north end of the station).
To arrange first consultation please call number: 668 543 768 or contact us by email Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. or fill the form below.
Check also: Individual Psychotherapy and Counselling in English in Warsaw (Ursynow).
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