Counselling and individual psychotherapy in English for adults
Welcome to Gabinet Psychologiczny "Razem" website. We are a team of experienced psychologists and psychotherapists. Our office is conveniently located about 100 meters from the Stokłosy metro station in Warsaw.
If you are English speaking foreigner in need of help and psychological support, here you can find experienced specialist to talk to.
Gabinet Psychologiczny "Razem" is a safe place where you can talk with a specialist about your problems, emotional distress, life crisis or things that are confusing or painful. We help exploring and resolving problems and conflicts also concerning being a foreigner in Poland and dealing with new culture and reality.
You can find help when dealing with:
- anxiety
- depression
- emotional crisis, feelings of hopelessness
- low self-esteem, lack of self-confidence
- shyness, feeling of isolation, problems in relationships with others
- troubling or traumatic past experience
- experience of violence or abuse
- feelings of guilt, shame, anger or loss
- a loss of meaning in life
- eating disorders
Help for LGBTQ
We are also LGBTQ-friendly and help people without prejudice and negative labeling. If you feel in need of professional psychological help, here you find specialist who will accept you and not judge you because of your gender, sexual orientation or culture identity. We believe we are all human and deserving of respect and right treatment.
LGBT specialist - Urszula Szaniawska
What is Psychotherapy?
It's a healing process through psychological means. Its goal is an improvement of psychological wellbeing and comfort and a better adaptation to society. It is a meeting with a therapist who listens attentively and supports you in your struggles to live a life that you desire. During that meetings you explore your emotions, thoughts and relationships in your life to find a better understanding of your difficulties and help you overcome them. A therapist ensures a safe environment and helps to build an atmosphere of trust and understanding.
We know how to help. People are important here.
First Consultation 50 minutes 240zł
Individual Counselling or Psychotherapy 50 minutes 240zł
Payment in an office ONLY in cash or before a visit on bank account (12 1050 1025 1000 0092 5279 1364 ING Bank Śląski S.A.).
Please inform us via e-mail (Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript.) or text message (mobile phone: 668-543-768) about cancellation of your visit. If you inform us later than 15:00 the day before the visit, it results in obligation to pay 100% of the fee.
Ul. Zamiany 5/75
Near the Stokłosy metro station (take right exit at the north end of the station).
To arrange first consultation please call number: 668 543 768 or contact us by email: Ten adres pocztowy jest chroniony przed spamowaniem. Aby go zobaczyć, konieczne jest włączenie w przeglądarce obsługi JavaScript. or fill the form below.
English speaking therapists - Urszula Szaniawska.
Check also: Couples Counselling and Therapy in Warsaw
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Registration - Gabinet Psychologiczny “RAZEM”